The Flower Pot

I love to take photographs of flowers and I have a photographic library full of them. As much as I love flowers, especially wildflowers, I am notoriously bad at growing them. I plan to post shots of cultivars and wildflowers in a wide range of colors and from a wide range of places.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Black and Yellow Garden Spider

Black and Yellow Garden Spider; Argiope aurantia (aka Writing Spider, Banana Spider, Corn Spider)
Taken: 8/21/2010
In plain sight in the Wisteria. To gain perspective on her size, I included the bottom shot. According to
Wikipedia, the male will construct a smaller web in the proximity of the female web and wait to go
courting. After mating, the female typically kills the male.
These spiders are not believed to be toxic to humans or aggressive.
Guest Photographer: TOM


Noel Morata said...


what a beautiful capture, this spider is stunning and the light is so perfect backlighting your subject.

thanks for connecting with me.

Roan said...

Gorgeous spider! I saw one of those down by the pond last summer. He didn't hop on me. ;) Thanks for directing me here.